21 September 2009

South Wales - Pembrokeshire - Day 3

Sunday, 13 September

Started the day with a little sleep in, and then a visit to the local Bishop's Palace at Lamphey. We've seen so many ruins now, we're connoisseurs! But I'm always struck by the sad beauty of these sites - all that history, vanished into nothingness, leaving nothing but unusal half-formed structures in the wild, against green grass and blue sky.

Poppoed down to our local beach again to do the walk around the cliffs from Barafundle Bay to Broad Haven South, armed with a packed lunch. We passed some more beaches with real sand, some dramatic cliffs (including some off-putting subsidence), and even some game folk scaling the cliffs. We also tried to feed some wild looking ponies and pregnant mares (no luck) and some beautiful big gulls (much success).

Returned home to read in the sun and (in my case) drink beer.

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