16 October 2008


Had a work conference in Lisbon, which was a nice treat. I've not travelled for work before, and I hadn't been to Portugal yet, so that's two new things for the price of one. We were inside the conference room at our hotel for 95% of the stay, but I did manage to at least walk around the local neighbourhood and have a lookee-loo. 

Lisbon is a curious blend of normal cityscape and derelict building sites. I passed many abandoned and boarded-up estates, even on main commercial streets. Here's a typical example:

A quiet moment in the park... The sun was a welcome switch from London skies!

Of course, being so close to Spain, Portugal boasts delicious tapas! I also had some excellent mojitos when we went out for dinner. One of the places I ate was a converted convent, where the menu was supposedly the same as what the nuns would prepare for their charges.

Work colleagues (trust the Aussie to be causing trouble...)

London staff ratio is 4:1 women to men. What a hardship!

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