Never got around to typing this up while it was fresh in my mind, so instead I'm just going to bash out my holiday notes verbatim. Still, I have fond memories of the sun, the delicious sangria, tapas, siesta time, and Plaza de Jeronimo - where all those things came together beautifully...
Friday - At home getting ready. Took train to Luton, then flew to Malaga. Jenny and Malcolm picked us up at the airport, and we drove about an hour to Malcolm's friend's place in Marabella. Place was a mansion, with three stroeys (one below ground, two above), six bedrooms and a beautiful backyard with a lovely little swimming pool. Arrived at midnight, but stayed up for a few beers and delicious swim.
Saturday - Slept in a little. Had brekkie and another swim, a game of table tennis etc...

Popped down to have a look at Marabella beach...
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