18 March 2008

Madame Tussaud's

I'm sure these all speak for themselves, but just in case...

Kate Moss:

Nicole Kidman:

Vincent Vega... I mean, John Travolta:

Me and Samuel L. Jackson have a disagreement:

Mel Gibson is the devil...

Does Sarah Michelle Geller ever smile?

Can't get past Jonah Lomu...

Anna schmoozes with the Princes...

Moving in literary circles with Oscar Wilde...

...and Will Shakespeare. I'm suggesting he rephrases Hamlet's "To do, or not to do..." soliloquy:

Me and MC Hawking:

Vincent Van Gogh:

The Ruttles:

I'm pleased to say, Christina Aguilera's are real!

Kylie Minogue:

Robbie Williams:




Me and Marilyn share a good joke...

At least I'm not the only one who chews his nails...

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