19 November 2007

Lucky Quid

Spent all weekend working on Andy's new short film, The Lucky Quid. It was a tough shoot, as we were outside the whole time (it was freezing) and I did a lot of set dressing under a filthy rail bridge. I still haven't been able to clean my nails properly :)

They say 'don't work with children or animals'. Well, this weekend we did both. Our child actor was pretty intransigent on Saturday, but was blessedly well-behaved on Sunday. We also did a sequence with a couple of rats, which turned out to be a cakewalk - without a single escape attempt!

Andy directing Keo:

Andy and cameraman Simon checking a shot:

Keo becomes a film-maker himself with my little Sony:

Filming in the same underpass as the hobo scene from Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange:

Freya, our downtrodden lady of the evening:

I know it's cold, but that's only going to keep him warm for a few seconds...

Simon shows off some of his mountaineering skills to get a tricky shot:

A few embers in the BBQ set to keep the fingers warm!

Keo grabs a few minutes...

The adult rag-boy in his hobo hovel:

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