Cold, cold, cold. London is officially freezing the balls off a brass monkey again... and it's only Autumn! In preparation, I have bought a nice new jacket (with Anna's capable assistance of course). I had my eye on a rather spiffy jacket at a nearby Italian samples shop, for a mere £185. Anna helped me find a much cheaper, yet suitable and similar alternative at Esprit.

As it happens, right now is a bad time to be shopping in London. The Christmas lights are out over Oxford Street, and the foot traffic has increased exponentially. Fortunately, we have done all of our holiday shopping, and sent the pressies home with Terry, so we don't have to worry about the crazy seasonal mail either.

I wanted to show Anna the neat displays at Hamleys, but it was like entering a mosh pit, so we only made it a few feet in before high-tailing out again. They do have a great Dr Who window display, with a life-size Tardis and Dalek, and a couple of the clockwork monsters from
The Girl in the Fireplace. Seemed popular with the kids, and dorky old fans like me.

Recently we've attended a couple more BFI events. First we went and saw the cast and writers of popular Mitchell and Webb comedy
Peep Show, and then did the same a week later for the cult Simon Pegg series
Spaced. A great atmosphere both times, and some interesting background discussions. Didn't bother with signatures and photos this time - it's too cold to wait around!
We also said goodbye to some emigrating friends. York-pal Rachel is back off to NZ, and our first London hosts, Ian and Nerida are back to Aussie. Now we need some new
immigrés to fill the gaps. Boo hoo hoo!
What else? We managed to miss all of the Guy Fawkes celebrations. Anna got her UK passport. I got food poisoning. We saw kiwi horror-comedy Black Sheep with Simon, and came 7th out of 13 at a pub quiz with Connor and Mark. (We just need a British team member to raise our average.) I had my first short week at work, and mostly finished editing a music video.