On Wednesday we caught up with Gidon and Connor, and had a few drinks at the Dog & Duck in Soho before seeing the Simpsons movie (which is great, by the way). Visiting the pub was attended by all the usual historical observations that one gets in London - it was a favourite hang-out for George Orwell, and nearby Frith Street was home to Mozart, John Constable and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Friday night we met up with Selina, Rachel, Brooke and others for some drinks at an over-priced joint by Leicester Square. Quite a crowd.
Sunday we went to a pub quiz in Angel with Connor. We called ourselves "Quentin Tarantino's chin". We didn't fare too badly for a three-person team, but nor did we cover ourselves in glory. We have sworn to make a greater impact this weekend.
This week has been extra busy. We had dinner with Hugo on Monday, at a Belgium pub called Bierodrome (great name!) in Angel/Islington. The food was average, but I had a couple of really great beers. They were fruit beers (with a weiss, not lambic, base) - coconut and apple. Mmm.
Tuesday I had a Guinness with Andy at lunchtime to discuss plans for his short film, which we are shooting in November. After work I met James for a vegie dinner at Food for Thought, before hitting the Skinny Puppy concert at the Astoria in Soho. They are a prominent oldskool industrial band, and the crowd was a pretty eclectic group of freaks (ourselves excluded, of course). Needless to say, it was an awesome gig, and I will be posting photos soon.
Thursday we went to a great vegetarian restaurant in Primrose Hill called Manna, with James and Alisha. They have an amazing menu. I had a
dill, lemon, lapsang & seaweed caviar tofu timbale with grilled fennel and tomato & mustard sauce topped with caper & dijon mayonnaise on warm new potato and pickled aubergine saladand Anna had
organic tortelloni pasta parcels filled with grilled aubergine, courgette, red pepper, ricotta & blue cheese in a creamy spinach sauce with a watercress, rocket, pine nut & sun dried tomato saladFancypants!
Tonight I'm off to see John Waters with Andy. I'm hoping to get a copy of Serial Mom signed by the man himself!
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