Started the day with a tram ride out to Kilmainham Gaol, which is a little off the beaten track. The Gaol provides a fascinating insight into
First built in 1796, it served as an often-over-crowded prison for all kinds of lawbreakers, including children arrested for petty theft. It was a major processing point for deportation to
The main entrance, above which were performed hundreds of public hangings

The Four Courts, location of the Supreme Court, High Court, and Central Criminal Court of the Republic of Ireland. Seized during the Easter Rising in 1916, they survived the bombardment by British artillery but were gutted in the Irish Civil War 1922.

Christ Church Cathedral (The Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity), the elder of the city's two mediƦval cathedrals.

Dating back to 1198, The Brazen Head is

The Spire of Dublin, known locally as the Millennium Spire. Standing at 120 metres high, this spike of burnished steel has a base only 3 metres wide and narrows to a point at the top. The site is considered the centre of

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