13 May 2006


We finally made it inside the Capidomonte art gallery today, and it was worth pursuing as there is currently a wonderful Tiziano (Titian) exhibition. There were lots of pleasant surprises such as unexpected works by Botticelli, Michelangelo and Raphael, and we were able to sneak inside a couple of 'officially' closed areas (the modern art gallery, and the collection of prints and sketches).

The gallery also had work by El Greco, Ghirlandaio, Parmigianino, Masolino, Masaccio (Aran - they had the Crucifixion we studied!), Simone Martini, Caravaggio, Tintoretto, Giorgio Vasari (author of the Lives of the Artists and artist himself) and Filippino Lippi.

We had big plans for the afternoon, but ended up having a big snooze instead!

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