After a fitful night's sleep and several highly compressed mpeg films, we arrived at LAX with red eyes and itchy nasal passages. Unfortunately, we were prevented from looking around the airport - instead we sat in dingy transit lounge for an hour. I was able to try a new soft drink (Sierra Mist) but my dreams of finding Cherry Coke were shattered (I think I may have glimpsed it in the fridge in the Business Premium lounge).
Although scarred by childhood memories of Witness, I also took a bathroom visit - if just to confirm the direction of the flush (counterclockwise). Observations: a man dressed only in his underpants, shaving at the mirror; an inch of water on the floor, reflecting a view of the man in the adjacent cubicle; the toilet bowl already full of water... though fortunately, no knifings.
Anyway, we made it to England in the end, and have availed ourselves of Jan's kind hospitality. Shower, cup of tea, spaghetti on toast (Vogel's) and we are off to explore... Clapham.
1 comment:
Thanks Em - will pass on your greetings! Weather is lovely and sunny - but the cold air is giving us runny nasal orifices.
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