January was a very busy film month for us. I have been working diligently on my spy film, plus helping out on a film shoot for my friend James. We also had a dozen screening/interview events to attend at the BFI, including Slumdog Millionaire (with Danny Boyle), Bolt (with John Lasseter), Milk (with Gus van Sant), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (with David Fincher), a 10 year anniversary event for The League of Gentlemen, and Encounters at the End of the World (with Werner Herzog). I managed to meet several of the directors, and handed out some rough cut copies of my short. Pretty amazing stuff!
But we also caught up with friends and got out and about. Saw Darren's new play Saturnalia at the Putney Arts Theatre, went to see the Big Idea exhibition at the Natural History Museum (celebrating the bicentennial of Darwin's birth with Simon) and had a brief visit from Briony.
The fountains in Trafalgar Square iced over (this was before the February cold snap!)...

Caught Darren Aranofsky's new film The Wrestler with Simon and his friend Erica, and had a few drinks afterwards - while admiring the Chinese lanterns for new years outside...
Darren hard at work on the soundtrack for my short film, at the Royal College of Music...